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Who Am I

I believe in creating healthy lifestyle changes that are sustainable and stay with you for a lifetime. This is from a healthy relationship with food, learning how to correctly train – along with staying motivated and having a positive attitude and mind-set.


In august 2016, I tore all of the ligaments in my right knee, which left me in crutches going into 2017, and in 2018 I found out that I had cancer, staying positive and using exercise to get over these injuries and illnesses allowed me to develop and relate to situations you yourself might be going through.


From then I have completed the Dublin and London marathons, and you will also see me regularly competing in local and UK wide cross fit competitions, both in a team and as an individual athlete. I offer a variety of training options, always specific to the individual.

Robbie Flexing in front of logo.png
Strength and Conditioning
Exercise and Sports Nutrition 
Training Tips
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