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Who I Am


I’ve been working in the fitness industry since 2014 – over this time I’ve helped numerous clients hit their training goals and continue to train to this day.


I train clients for weight loss, strength and conditioning, and also anyone who needs advice and structure with their nutrition. 

Weight Loss


Within my years of experience I have learnt that not everyone is the same when it comes to losing weight. For some people the journey happens quicker or slower than others.


That’s ok – everyone who sticks with their programming & training gets their end result. My first ever client lost 5 stone and she continues to train to this day. My most recent client has dropped just over 8 stone and again, continues to train with myself weekly and by themselves 3 times a week additionally. 

Strength and Conditioning


Being a keen sports person my whole life I found my love for training athletes at all levels. Strength & conditioning isn’t just about the heavy lifting or hard HITT (High intensity interval training) sessions but about periodisation (planning and programming for a season, for a competition or for a specific event).


Getting to use my knowledge and experience to help people become fitter, faster, stronger and even more confident in their given role/sport/event makes it all worth while when I see their results coming in.



Maybe you just want to maintain and that’s ok. I call this style of training lifestyle training. You’re happy with how fit you are but want to be that little fitter (don’t we all?), or that little bit stronger. You might have a busy life and feel that there are too many barriers or situations that stop you from training. With this type of training we go through all of that and see where we could link exercises into your day to day lifestyle to ensure you are staying active, fit and happy.



Level 5 ILM Leadership & Management


Level 4 Strength & Conditioning Coach


Level 4 Diabetes & Weight Management Specialist


Level 3 Personal Training


Level 3 Sport & Exercise Nutrition



Level 3 Leisure Management


Level 3 Sports Massage 


Level 3 Exercise Referral


Level 2 Mental Health Awareness

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